About Me

Welcome to my Blog and thank you so much for taking the time to visit!

I’m Phoebe, I’m 34 years old and I write about Grief in the hope to help others feel less alone and more seen on their journey.


In 2019 I lost my Dad to Cancer and then in 2022 I lost my baby through a missed Miscarriage.

Now, I know some people may be thinking, gosh that’s pretty open, revealing your personal loss to the world... however... I think it’s necessary, actually, I know it’s necessary! ⁣

We don’t openly talk about death, it’s skirted over, people don’t know how to act or what to say, it becomes awkward at times! You find yourself feeling slightly alienated, unsure whether you can share your grief with others without being a burden. On the other side, being the supportive friend, you struggle with an internal battle of do I ask, shall I mention it, is it too much, is it better to talk about something else?

There’s so much to be spoken about, so much I know you and I, all have to say. ⁣We need this connection and this communication in order to move through our journey in life, our journey with grief.

There is no textbook in Grief, no how to guide or what to expect. It is a lifetime of twists and turns and one I feel is better done as a community where we can relate and express to one another.

Death... is painful... actually that isn’t even a word raw enough to explain the deep intense wave of emotions that come after the loss of someone you love! Death is beyond anything I’ve ever felt emotionally in my entire life, it hurts beyond imagination, you feel like such a part of you went with that person and things can’t ever be the same. ⁣You feel lost, you're unsure if you even know how to be “you” anymore. Life becomes a muddled maze.

I want this blog to be a safe place for you. I want you to feel connected, to feel supported in my words. To understand that all the darkness that you feel is a mirror to me. You are not alone!

My dad was and still is a huge inspiration to me! He had a fire for life, and that’s something I want to get across. He’s an incredible man, and I feel beyond blessed to of shared a life with him. All be it, I wished for longer. But sadly, life doesn’t always work out in the ways we planned does it. ⁣

My darling baby will always be a reminder to me of how fragile life really is. He visited for a short while but his love lives within me for a lifetime.

So welcome to this space, I hope you find comfort within the openness of my words. You are never alone.

Love always,
Phoebe x

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