The Bad Scooterist- A wonderful man, how lucky I feel to of known him. He was a treasured friend of my Dads, and knowing that now they are together somewhere better, lighter, fills my heart with joy! His daughters are friends of mine and have given me the opportunity to share his final post from his very own blog. He never got to share this particular post himself, so in memory of him, and in honor of his powerful message to be heard, I leave you with this to read today……
I wish I was there. Obviously. I loved you all, even when you tried to make that hard which to be fair, was rare.
To Ruby, Rosa, Sandie, Peggy and all that loved me, I am sorry to have put you through all this. I would rather this had happened in a different way and, a lot further in the future. But you know it was not my wish to leave the party early.
Don’t forget what a gift this life is (if you are lucky) try not to waste too much of it on trivia and be a bit less selfish than I was.
You all made this a great life for me, thank you, thank you, thank you, and I hope I gave something in return. Think of me the next time you raise a glass.
So shed a tear but then move on and chase your own balloons x.
Whatever happens to this pilgrim next (if anything) Bring it on. x
The Bad Scooterist passed away peacefully on Christmas Eve 2017, surrounded by his loved ones. He left us the password to his blog which still has some of his famous stories left to post. Some completed, some half written.
This is his “final post”. To those who knew him, I need not remind you of who he was. To those who didn’t, he was a unique type of rebel and a great man. The world will keep on spinning, but will seriously lack this trouble maker on a scooter. See you up the road
Thank you Ruby & Rosa for sharing his words with us all x
To read more from his blog please visit
- Letters to my boy- By David C Long - August 19, 2020
- Final Words – See you up the road - July 5, 2020
July 6, 2020
Such a reminder to live life my way in reading these words again. What an inspiration Tony was and I am deeply reminded of the bond of friendship and how precious it is. Thank you Ruby and Rosa for allowing Phoebe to share this 🌟💜🌟🙏🏼