Dear Dad, Four years, how has it been four years since you died? Four years since I last saw your face. Four years since I held your hand. Four years since our family, the six of us, sat for...
A letter to you- by Tom Planner
The day I lost you, I lost a part of my soul. Life feels empty without you, it has no meaning anymore. I’m on a new journey to find myself, and that scares me. It scares me because I...
A Pandemic of Grief
How does grief feel they asked? Imagine holding my whole body right now in your arms. Then suddenly, every part of me shatters into a million tiny pieces. Some parts crumble to the ground, some parts are lost...
Everyone has a last day…
Take me back to the start, the start of it all, the start of this journey when you were still here, the time I could see you, the time I could hug you tight in my arms, take me...
Time and the memories of May – By Benjamin Minett
Time. What is time? Is it a concept we all experience in the same way or does the experience of time differ from person to person or event to event? Two years of time have passed. Two years since...
Then you’d know….
If you could read my mind you would understand the times of silence…… The times where words are not enough. The times where the pain rips through me, taking my breath away, leaving nothing but silence. Leaving nothing to...
Put yourself first dear one
There is no shame in stepping back. There is no shame in taking time to work on your inner wounds. There is no shame in removing yourself from things because they are just not working with where you are...
You are so much more….
I am not my grief, but I am also not who I was before my grief…. So who am I? Who am I now as I stand here wrapped in the arms of heavy, heavy pain? What feelings swirl...
The day you left…
With your two-year anniversary arriving tomorrow, I am back at the beginning. I am back at the moment when time itself froze, when nothing mattered, nothing made sense, nothing felt clear, nothing felt safe. I am back in...
I refuse….
When it’s my time and I meet my loved ones in the next realm I will tell them how I shined so brightly within my grief ….. I refuse to stand there and tell them I stayed in...